Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mercedes-Benz Splitview LCD Screen

Imagine this: You’re driving down the highway, following the route guidance on the navigation screen, when the person sitting in the passenger seat decides he wants to watch Dark Knight on DVD. Mercedes-Benz and Bosch together devised a gizmo that can satisfy both viewing requests. It’s a dual-view LCD monitor system called Splitview.
Splitview is a LCD screen that is mounted on the dashboard that allows the driver and passenger to view two different images at the same time. How does it work you ask? The eight inch active matrix, backlit color monitor nests a second image feed on adjacent pixels and a masking filter divides the combined image so that only one set of the pixels can be seen depending on your seating position.
With Splitview, the driver can access to information from Mercedes’s control and display system called COMAND on the display, while the front passenger can watch TV Channels, Music Videos or DVD’s using a Remote control and the audio can be transmitted through the car’s speakers or via headphones. Mercedes-Benz says it will introduce Splitview in the mid 2009 for the S-Class sedan.

Football Shaped 3G Mobile Broadband Dongle

preparation for this year’s FIFA World Cup in South Africa Huawei have created a football themed 3G mobile broadband dongle in the shape of a football.
The Huawei 3G mobile broadband dongle is compatible with Windows 7, Linux and Mac computers and includes a microSD slot and has UK 3G spectrum support within.
Huawei has said their 3G dongle will be launched in time for this year’s World Cup for you to be able to support your team even while surfing the net but unfortunately they’ve not provided any pricing at this time.

Newsware - Digital Toolkit for Journalists

 Newsware is a system of wireless connected digital devices. Each device serves a simple purpose without an overload of unnecessary functions. The Camera shoots images or video and uses the benefits of external displays, the VoiceStick records audio and the NotePad collects and organizes all information recorded with those devices. Its double sided touch display permits a quick application change or flipping pages like in a book. The handheld provides all the necessary applications used by journalists with a focus on text processing. A soft keyboard completes the toolkit.
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Nokia BMW Video Phone

A new concept of phone design is offered in  the Nokia BMW video phone. Nokia BMW video phone concept is shown today following the Sony video phone concept a week ago. It pertains to Evgen Designer and it features GPS navigation and a powerful camera. The Nokia BMW comes with an interesting œpush to openâ mechanism that makes its display rotate 90 degrees turning the whole device into a handycam. With a unique design, sleek lines and a BMW symbol on the face, how many advanced features will it take before it receives the green light for production. Little is known about the features of the concept other than it packs a high-end camera and a push to open button with the craftsmanship and style of a true BMW enthusiast.
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Optimus Tactus Keyboard

 Each key is a stand-alone display that shows the function currently assigned to it.
Optimus’s customizable layout allows convenient use of any language—Cyrillic, Ancient Greek, Georgian, Arabic, Quenya, hiragana, etc.—as well as of any other character set: notes, numerals, special symbols, HTML codes, math functions and so on to infinity. 
Keyboard dimensions
537 mm (21.1″)
173 mm (6.8″)
38 mm (1.5″)
20.2×20.2 mm (0.8″×0.8″)

Each of the 113 displays
viewable area
10.1×10.1 mm (0.4″×0.4″)
48×48 pixels
frame rate
10 frames per second minimum
65 536
viewing angle
USB 2.0
Optimus Configurator software
 System requirements
PC with installed OS Windows XP or Vista, with a USB 1.1 (or better 2.0) port; Mac OS X 10.5.1 or higher.
At least 20 MB of free space on hard drive.
At least 256 MB of RAM. 

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Samsung Costume Portable 2.5 inch Hard Drive

Let’s take another peak into the future shall we? This ultra-portable external hard disk drive in the picture above is a Samsung Costume concept drive. The Costume has been designed by Joongoo Lee and they did a very fine job right here. This 2.5 inch drive is designed for ladies. The Costume will bring style, portability and efficiency to any woman who needs a good-looking storage solution around at all times.
There aren’t particular features yet, as this is a concept device yet. Well girls, are you already dreaming about this storage idea? We’ll all have to wait to see if it enters production. The Samsung Costume 2.5-inch hard drive is not entering Samsung production line pretty soon because it’s just a sweet design from Joongoo Lee. Joongoo’s design was inspired by a ladies make-up compact and incorporating glossy material to increase polishing feeling so it will fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. When Samsung decided to adopt this design then they will really show us the softer side of a hard drive.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Future Laptop Canvas by Kyle Cherry

A designer named Kyle Cherry has developed the laptop of the 21st century. The futuristic concept is called Canvas and is supposed to provide a better quality for the designer and also it’s said that it will raise the productive rate of the artist. The laptop will feature a very thin touchscreen and the other components will look just about the same but they will be better adjusted. Check out the gallery below and prepare to be amazed. Designer Kyle Cherry has envisaged a new type of computer with creatives in mind. Called simply “Canvas”, the computer is designed to increase the quality and productivity of the designer or artist. It is intended to allow a user with little or no experience to make the switch from traditional to digital workflows by building the system around a more familiar interface. This concept should even make Wacom Clinq owners jealous.

Live 22 Moblie of Future Generation

The Life 22 is attempting to create a completely new type of phone. Currently phones are used soley to contact other peoeple. The Live 22 plans to broaden phone’s capabilites to communicate. It has 3 different modes. The first contacting other phones. The second, rather than only contacting other phones, it plans to communicate with every device in an environment. The Contextual Text Mode allows the user to send messages to a computer, tv, iPod, and any other device. The third mode of this phone is the most impressive. It is called “Glance” and it allows you to remotely observe the environment. This means that by looking at your phone you are able to see who is there, and what is going on in your area. Here at Tech Pudde we can only pray that the Live 22 concept will someday become a reality
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High-tech, green backpack for the Campus of the Future

For the students of the future, here’s the most avant-garde yet green back pack that will assist in studying and keeping in touch with the world too. Carlos Suarez is the brain behind this ‘ahead of its time’ kinda project schemed for the Campus of the Future exposition in Hawaii. The idea was to showcase innovative products and education systems for the near future. Since the sponsor, Herman Miler, was adamant on designing the future back pack for a specific field of study, Carlos chose to design a 3 product system for the future Environmental Engineer.

The first is an Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) that includes satellite phone, GPS, and satellite internet. The other products support the first such as a backpack with solar panels that recharge the UMPC and a tent that uses solar energy to erect its memory metal frame and power a flexible LCD fro classroom communication.
This completely sustainable green back pack will allow students or research teams to set up camp in a remote location while remaining in contact with the outside world.Targeting the environmentalists, archeologists, biologists and anyone else who needs to conduct studies in a remote location, this backpack is still a concept and it doesn’t seem to be hitting the production stage any sooner. So guys we will have to make do with our share of simpler eco-friendly alternatives available in today’s times.
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INnovation: 2 Freakishly Futuristic iPhone Add-Ons

When the iPhone came out, did anyone really expect it to spawn all kinds of bizarre add-on devices that could make this seemingly innocuous smartphone powerful enough to do pretty much whatever we want it to? Well, we have a feeling some people did, because iPhone gadgets with associated apps have been bouncing out left and right. One of the most interesting (and useful) ones we’ve seen lately is this $50 dongle that turns your iPhone or iPod Touch into a universal remote. It’s made by L5 Technology, who debuted the device at CES 2010. According to them, it’ll actually control any compatible device within about 30 feet via a free app from the app store. Just select the devices you want to control, drag and drop buttons where you want them, and you’re good to go. Another handy invention to debut at CES was the Mophie credit card reader device. It’ll let you take payments with nothing more than your iPhone, a third-party app, and this little device which attaches directly to your phone. Imagine how much easier this would be for merchants than carrying around a computer to take credit cards at trade shows and other remote locations.

Mini Memories: Tiny Digital Camera Smaller than a Matchbox

Does anyone else think the “tiny gadgets” trend has been taken a little too far lately? When you can lose your digital camera in your shirt pocket, maybe it’s time to re-think the miniaturization of everything. Tiny and probably-impractical though it may be, the Chobi Miniature Digital Camera is sort of cute – and honestly, we love anything that lets us pretend to be giants. Believe it or not, it takes actual pictures at a resolution of around three megapixels, and video at 1280 X 960 (30FPS).
Given the camera’s extremely small size, you probably wouldn’t be able to see much through the viewfinder, so framing shots would be left up to luck. But it stores images on a MicroSD card, so all you have to do is plug the card in when you get back to your computer and edit all of the poorly-shot pics. At around $150 (US), it’s probably out of the “gag gift” price range, but whether you want to pay that much for an itty-bitty camera depends on how much you enjoy pretending to be a giant. Just be sure to attach it to your keyring or a wrist strap, or you’ll lose it as soon as you take it out of the package.

Canova Dual Touch Screen Laptop Should Be Here by 2010

A lot of concept gadgets are coming up primarily to utilize the human senses. Of course the sense of touch is what is being utilized the maximum with many touch screen devices being developed. When almost every latest phone is touch screen can laptops be left behind? An Italian company V12 design has devised ‘Canova’ which is a dual LCD laptop, which is yes touch screen. Though the design is more than four years old, the company wants to take this a step further by introducing the second generation laptops of the same series. It is working on the device to support multi touch and also fit in the microphone to enable voice commands. They claim that the model should be in the market by 2010!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Egg Phone: the world's most beautiful mobile

You don't even know what this can do but you want one already. I know, I feel the same way. It's something about the slow, sensuous curves; the elegant, simple silk-touchscreen display and serene, humming hue of that glowing red all topped off with a man-sized USB slot that calls like a siren, "Fill me with your data."
The Egg phone is sadly only a concept, like all the best fantasies, but designer RomanTubl has come up with his picture of the future of mobiles clear for you to see in the images after the jump - a fully-functioning media player with a beautifully minimal interface. Now all someone has to do is make it.

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The Future of Mobile Gadgets: Flexible Wrist Computer

Computers and other communication devices have become distinctly more mobile in the last decade, and there’s no sign that that trend will reverse anytime soon. We like being connected no matter where we are, so computers, cell phones and wireless networking gadgets will no doubt keep getting more portable and easier to use when we’re away from home. That’s why this design makes sense. It was created by Hiromi Kiriki as the next generation of ultra-portable computers. The designer imagines it being a Sony product in 2020 – one that we’ll wear like a bracelet and carry everywhere.

The OLED screens would let the Sony Nextep roll up to conform to the shape of the wearer’s wrist. When in use, the computer folds out to expose its twin holographic projector screens and split pull-out keyboard. It’s designed to keep you connected to your social networking sites at all times, so you’re never more than a few folds and clicks away from your online network. The Sony Nextep design might look super futuristic right now, but the technology needed to make a product like this into a reality isn’t really too far off. Before we know it, we might all be updating our Twitter feeds right from our wrists and leaving our phones in our pockets.

Future Cell Phones: Self-Charging without Cords?

Apparently Nokia has a cool and unique phone in the works that will be able to charge itself without any wires. The phone accomplishes this by harvesting radio waves found in the air and coverts that energy into power for the phone. Such waves are derived from a number of different places, including TVs, radios, computers, and other mobile phones.
Since this phone is still in the development process, it is currently only capable of havesting 5 mw (milliwatts) at a time, which is just not enough to make the phone efficient. Nokia hopes to increase that number to 20 mw in the near future, making it more practicable to the typical cell phone user. While this type of phone does not have any kind of scheduled release date, the hope is that it will be ready within the next 3-4 years.

Future Playstation III: Redesigned and Slimme

Rumor has it that Sony has designed a newer, slimmer play station 3 in hopes of boosting console sales. No one really knows if there will be any additional modifications to the system and most believe that just the design will be different. The previous version, Play Station II, has outsold the newer one by a couple hundred thousand, and Sony hopes to change that, hence the need for a new design.
Some of the reasons for this speculation are that countries have been noticing significant price drops in the PS3 consoles (perhaps in hopes of clearing out inventory and making way for the new ones) and there have also been a few leaked pictures of the device, as you can see here. Some believe it will be released within the next couple of months, just in time for the holidays.
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Future Gadget: Nook eBook Reader

Bookstore giant Barnes & Noble just announced today the release of their future eBook reader known as the Nook, and they are already taking orders. Priced competitively at $259, the Nook costs pretty much the same as the once popular Kindle, but offers a whole lot more. Check out some of the coolest specs the Nook has to offer:
  • Color Touch Screen – Unlike the other eBooks which are pure black and white
  • Screen Display – No glare or backlight with adjustable text size
  • Share Books – You can share books you have purchased with your friends and family for free
  • Huge Selection – There are over 1,000,000 available books (twice as many as the Kindle)
  • Wi-fi Capable – Connect to the internet with local hotspots
  • Media Slot – Supports Micro SD cards for extra storage space of up to 17,500 books
  • 3G Network – Offered by AT&T so you can buy books from almost anywhere
  • Customization – You can get custom covers with different colors as well as upload photos
  • Free books – There are over 1,000 free books offered to Nook buyers
  • Hands-on Demos – You can test out the Nook before buying at any of the Barnes & Noble stores
Barnes and Noble has chosen a very strategized release date, which comes right before the heavy holiday shopping. For those of you who have held off on buying a Kindle, your patience has just paid off. The Nook will make the perfect holiday gift to those who love to read and travel quite frequently. Additionally, you may find consumer product reviews of eReaders on the Consupo website.
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Future Technology: 3D TVs

Now that more and more 3D movies have been starting to come out (A Christmas Carol, Avatar, Alice & Wonderland, etc.) is the future technology of home televisions headed the same way? Can we expect to start seeing the next generation gaming consoles to be in 3-D as well? You better believe it and companies like Sony, Samsung, & Nintendo already have some surprises in the works.
By the end of 2010, Sony already plans to begin pushing their new line of 3D TVs to consumers, especially right before the major holidays. Samsung won’t be far behind, as they have taken some major steps in the home theater industry, producing the world’s thinnest LED TV, and also planning to start releasing TV apps (similar to the apps for your iPhone/Palm Pre) come July. The good news for us consumers is that we will have new technology to play around with and prices for regular plasma/LED TVs should go down and become even more affordable. Just make sure to save your 3D glasses the next time you see Avatar, you may just need them for your next TV.
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Cup of Java Script by Hyuh-Jin Lee & Hyeroung Choen

Technology and scaled down computers are finding their ways into more and more ubiquitous items in our lives. From RFID clothing tags and eBooks (Kindle) to running monitors (Nike/iPod) and even cars that respond to your voice (Ford Sync). Why not get a daily does of information stimulation while you have your morning brew? That’s what the designers of “The Cup” have in mind. They envision a cup that literally pours information in waves of holographic images for your daily consumption. Have a big creative meeting? Then spill your thoughts onto the conference table. Found a lot of racy pictures of your girlfriend on the internet? Then pour your finds all over her head and let her know your a just a little annoyed.

Futuristic Phone Radia Cellular

As cellular phones become a standard, the statement they make as a symbol and a fashion accessory has become increasingly important. The Radia phone concept expresses simplicity in form and sophistication in function and user interface. The outer rim, which is made of brushed aluminum makes both a refined and professional statement. The touch-display is large enough to read and display many types of information, yet small enough to maintain a pocket-sized device. Simplicity is also expressed in the power button, which is flanked by the earpiece speaker, and balanced by the microphone which is 180 degrees around the perimeter. The designer, Michael Laut ( is currently a student at North Carolina State University’s College of Design (

PSP 2 Makes Pocket Bulges Almost R-rated

Sony just barely updated the PSP but designer Tai Chiem is already thinking about the next iteration. His design calls for a flexible OLED display that can be conveniently rolled. An electric charge powering the display stiffens it while providing near bezeless prime real estate for gaming. Stereo speakers on either side double as a jog wheel and camera control. He also envisages Sony finally implementing two joysticks. Pipe dream or not, it’s sexy and lives up to its name; it don’t get any more portable than this.